GNOC GOES TO POLLS -As Capi, King and Jallow vie for hot seat


By Sulayman Bah

The battle lines have been drawn with Olympic House elections to be a three-horse race as Dodou Capi-Joof, gnoc-goes-to-pollsLamin King Colley and Pa Alieu Jallow vie for the Bureau’s top seat tomorrow.

Momodou Dibba, whose term has elapsed, will not throw his hat in the ring for re-election after having announced plans to resign on election’s day.

Dibba has occupied the hot potato job since 2011 after erstwhile Brigadier General Lang Tombong Tamba vacated the seat.

With the former  Cooperative Union general manager and Gambia Draught Association president stepping down, his resignation reduces the number of candidates seeking the Olympic Bureau’s presidency to three and each of whom must convince the majority of the 21 voting associations’ delegates to be assured of victory.

Not much of a controversy has been reported regarding the election and is expected to be peaceful, although the executive of the Gambia Karate Association is in a bit of a rancour with its members over who to aligned with among the three candidates.

Meanwhile, each of the three candidates remains confident of sweeping the polls.