The Independent Electoral Commission has said in a press release yesterday that no new voters’ cards have been issued after the IEC Chairman Alieu Momar Njieend of the Supplementary Registration of Voters on 12th march 2016 and that no replacement of cards will be carried out also after the closure of the window on 29th September 2016.The press release issued by the Chairman added that total number of registered voters is 886,578 and there are 1,422 polling stations. It gave the following breakdown per Administrative Area:

•           Banjul Administrative Area- 22,731 voters and 35 polling stations

•           Kanifing Administrative Area- 199,957 voters and 287 polling stations

•           Brikama Administrative Area- 281, 1 15 voters and 427 polling stations

•           Kerewan Administrative Area – 1 01,717 voters and 183 polling stations

•           Mansakonko Administrative Area- 49,198 voters and 90 polling stations

•           Janjangbureh Administrative Area- 1 16,675 voters and 207 polling stations

•           Basse Administrative Area- US, 185 voters and 193 polling stations

The Chairman assured that the above voter lists and polling stations will be made available to all political parties and stakeholders soonest.

He also said that the IEC will in due course make other details available to all the stakeholders most especially through panel discussions on GRTS commencing Thursday 20th October 2016.