By Mustapha Jallow A 6 months bed-ridden tycoon who has been held incommunicado at the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) detention centre in Alhaji Kebba TourayBanjul for 4 month has been denied access to his relatives, according to a family source. Alhaji Kebba Touray a businessman who runs a clearing and forwarding agency was said to be sick and bed-ridden at the time of his arrest by state agents. A family source added that they are concerned about his health condition and wondered how they would treat him at the NIA. The family of Touray look desperate and wonder what their loved one has done which led to his re-arrest. As the Ramadan approaches they are once more appealing to the Gambian authorities to release their loved one to join them in the holy Muslim month of Ramadan and facilitate his treatment at hospital. Mr Touray was picked up around 2pm on Saturday, 24 January, 2015 at his residence at Tobacco Road in Banjul by men who identified themselves agents of the NIA who asked him to accompany them to a meeting hosted at state house. Shortly after his departure the family received information that their loved one was immediately taken to NIA headquarters in Banjul. In 2009, Mr. Touray was arrested and later released in the wake of the arrest of Lt. Gen. Lang Tombong Tamba, a former Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) of the Gambia Armed Forces (GAF), and seven others who were all tried and later sentenced to death.]]>