“367 Candidates Nominated for Council Elections Nationwide” 


By Nelson Manneh

The Independent Electoral Commission has endorsed the nominations of three hundred and sixty-six candidates nationwide for the upcoming Councillorship elections scheduled in April 2023.

The Independent Electoral Commission commenced nominations of candidates on the 14th March, 2023 and ended its nominations on the 25th March, 2023.

Brikama Administrative Area has twenty-eight seats, Kanifing Administrative Area has nineteen seats, Banjul Administrative Area has nine seats, Mansakonko Administrative Area has twelve seats, Janjanbureh Administrative Area has twenty-two seats, Kerewan Administrative Area has sixteen seats and Basse Administrative Area has fourteen seats.

This reporter contacted the principal election officer in each of the IEC administrative areas to get official figures.

In the Brikama Administrative Area, ninety-three candidates were nominated while in the Banjul Administrative Area, twenty-two candidates were nominated, seventy candidates were nominated in Kanifing Administrative Area, Mansakonko Administrative Area has twenty-eight candidates, Janjanbureh Administrative Area approved seventy-four candidates while in the Kerewan Administrative area and Basse, forty-four candidates and thirty-five candidates were nominated respectively.

Nominations as Per Political Parties

The National People’s Party (NPP) nominated a total of ninety-nine candidates nationwide. In Banjul they nominated nine, Kanifing fourteen, Mansakonko twelve, Janjanbureh eighteen, Kerewan sixteen, Brikama sixteen and Basse fourteen.

The United Democratic Party (UDP) nominated a total of one hundred and two candidates nationwide. In Banjul, they nominated nine candidates, Kanifing nineteen, Mansakonko eleven, Janjanbureh twenty, Kerewan fourteen Brikama twenty-one and Basse eight candidates.

The People Democratic Organisation for Independence and Socialism (PDOIS) nominated a total of twenty-seven candidates nationwide. In Banjul they nominated two candidates, Kanifing six, Janjangbureh seven, Kerewan two Brikama five and Basse five candidates.

The Gambia Democratic Congress (GDC) party nominated a total of thirty-six candidates nationwide. In Banjul they nominated one candidate, Mansakonko three, Janjanbureh eleven, Kerewan nine Brikama seven and Basse five candidates.

The Progressive People’s Party (PPP) nominated a total of nine candidates nationwide. In Banjul they nominated one candidate, Kanifing one, Janjangbureh five and Basse two candidates.

The Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction (APRC) party nominated a total of seventeen candidates nationwide. In Kanifing they nominated five and Brikama twelve candidates.

The Gambia For All Party (GFA) nominated only one candidate in Brikama.

The National Reconciliation Party (NRP) nominated a total of four candidates; all the four candidates were nominated in the Janjanbureh Administrative Area.

All People’s Party (APP) nominated only one candidate nationwide and that is in the Janjanbureh Administrative Area.

The People’s Alliance Party (PAP) nominated a total of two candidates, one in Kanifing and the other one in the Janjanbureh Administrative Area.

The Gambia Moral Congress (GMC) party nominated only one candidate nationwide. The only candidate nominated was in the Basse Administrative Area.

Sixty-eight candidates were nominated as independent candidates nationwide. In Kanifing twenty-four were nominated, Mansakonko two, Janjangbureh seven, Kerewan three and Brikama thirty-one.

Nominations as Per Sex

The candidates that were nominated nationwide were three hundred and sixty-six. Out of the total nominated candidates three hundred and ten were males whilst fifty-six were females.

Banjul has eighteen males and four females, Kanifing has fifty-eight males and twelve females, Mansakonko has twenty-four males and four females, Janjanbureh has sixty-seven males and seven females, Kerewan has thirty-seven males and seven females, Brikama has seventy-three males and twenty females and in the Basse Administrative Area, they registered thirty-three males and two females.

Out of all the nominated candidates only four are said to be differently able people.