30 million dollars is equivalent to 2.1 billion dalasi. The nation woke up to the alarming news that a tanker had brought 30 million dollars worth of oil to The Gambia without adhering to the normal procedures. The National Assembly eventually exercised its oversight role by authorizing an inquiry on the subject matter.
Rumours were put aside and stakeholders appeared before the committee to testify. The committee has now concluded its inquiry and is supposed to give its report today.
It is important for Gambians to understand that earnings from exports amounted to a meagre sum of D5.2 billion compared to expenditure on imports amounting to D51.3 billion in 2023, resulting in a trade deficit of D46.1 billion.
It is a lesson for Gambians to know that transparency and accountability are not only exercised because of government commitment, it could be ensured by implementing what is provided for under the principles of the separation of powers. The National Assembly is an oversight institution that is provided by section 109 of the Constitution to inquire into all matters of executive governance.
It states:
“(1) The National Assembly shall appoint –
(a) a Public Appointments Standing Committee;
(b) a Finance and Public Accounts Standing Committee;
(c) a Standing Committee of Privileges;
(d) a Standing Committee on Defence and Security, and
(e) such other standing or other committees as it considers necessary for the exercise of its functions.
(2) Committees may be appointed –
(a) to investigate or inquire into the activities or administration of ministries or departments of the Government, and such investigation or inquiry may extend to making proposals for legislation; or
(b) to investigate any matter of public importance.
(3) For the purpose of effectively performing its functions, each of the committees shall have all of the powers, rights and privileges as are vested in the High Court at a trial in respect of –
(a) enforcing the attendance of witnesses and examining them on oath, affirmation or otherwise;
(b) compelling the production of documents;
(c) the issue of a commission or request to examine witnesses abroad.”
Foroyaa will follow the details and convey the facts. Rumours will disappear once transparency and accountability are applied in all matters of governance.