20,922 People Vaccinated Against COVID-19 in Gambia


By Nelson Manneh

Health authorities have on Monday 26th April 2021 informed this medium that twenty thousand nine hundred and twenty-two (20,922) people have been vaccinated against COVID-19 as of 22nd April 2021.

Out of one thousand five hundred and thirty-seven (1537) Rapid Diagnostic Tests conducted at the Airport for travelers, only 1 was positive.

The Covax vaccine in town caters for only 20% of the population throughout the country. The allocation according to the Ministry of Health will be able to vaccinate all aged 41 years and above including priority groups summing up to 487, 780 based on projected population census 2013.

The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases as of Monday 26th April 2021 is five thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. The total number of deaths rose to one hundred and seventy-three.

The Gambia currently has no one in hotel quarantine, but has four hundred active cases.