The legal advisers of the IEC should focus on sections 26 and 39 of the Constitution. It is the political and citizenship right of every Gambian who is eighteen years as a voter to vote in presidential, National Assembly and all other elections as well as referenda.
A sum of 139 million dalasi is allocated to the IEC by the 2025 Appropriation Act for the holding of a referendum. The National Assembly has passed the Bill for its enactment into law. However, no allocation is evident from the budget for the registration of voters.
Any election or referendum held that excludes those above 18 would constitute a gross disregard of the dictates of sections 26 and 39 of the Constitution. The legal adviser of the IEC should take up this matter the soonest so that those who have the right to vote will have their rights recognised, respected and enforced without any discrimination.
Foroyaa will continue to advocate for due respect to be given to the political rights of citizens.