15 Judges’ Contracts Renewed


By Mamadou Dem

Landing Sanneh, the Judicial Secretary, yesterday, 17 January 2017 confirmed to this paper at the high court complex in Banjul the renewal of the contracts of fifteen judges, including the President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Oluremi Ademola Adegoke.

According to Mr. Sanneh, the said contract was renewed with effect from January 2017 and is valid till December, 2017. He added that the renewal of the said contracts coincided with their vacations and that due to the political impasse in the country, some of them decided to stay until the issue is finally resolved.

He also revealed that some judges that were here after the vacation also decided to leave to their respective countries for safety reasons but are expected back when the political situation comes to normalcy.

Meanwhile, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Hadi Saleh Barkum, and his deputy, M.B Abubacarr, as well as state counsel Abdourahman Maitama Yusuf, all of Nigerian nationals, are also away.

The high court judges whose contracts have been renewed include Justices Awa Bah, Amina Saho Ceesay, Kumba Sillah, Simeon Ateh Abi, A.N.C Ikoro, Eunice O. Dada, Emmanuel Ottaba, Orifowomo Akinwale Odunwale, amongst others.

At the moment activity at the superior courts are at low ebb.