Suwaibou Touray
Ms Isatou Bojang is a 13 year- old girl residing inBullock. She needs urgent medical attention overseas. Her father Mr. Momodou L. Bojang said he does not have the means to send her daughter for treatment. He is therefore soliciting help from any individual or organisation to intervene to save her life.
According to the medical report, the patient, Isatou Bojang, was with-out any antecedent health problems when she was presented with pain in the right hip joint not proceeded by trauma. The patient was receiving traditional treatment from January 2014-April 2014 but her symptoms did not improve.
The family members then took the child to Brikama Health Center where aspiration of the hip swelling was done. The results were inconclusive and the patient was referred to EFST Hospital in Banjul.
The Patient was presented at EFST Hospital in July 2014 and was diagnosed of cellulites; from the right hip down to the right knee. The general condition of the child was very poor.
Investigations were done which included an x-ray that showed a tumoral mass on the proximal right tumor.
According to the medical report, biopsy was done on this mass and results were suggestive of osteosarcoma.
The diagnosis therefore is osteosarcoma and the report concluded that the patient requires further investigations and management but said these services are not available in the Gambia, and therefore referred her for overseas treatment.
Anyone wishing to give a helping hand to Isatou to go for further overseas treatment or any other help is welcome to call the father on the following numbers:
7770576/6271947 or call Foroyaa:9954533/6224408]]>