12 Year Seeks Financial Aid For Treatment


By: Kebba AF Touray

12 year old Sanna Ceesay of Jambangjally, is in dire need of urgent assistance to facilitate his treatment. Ceesay is suffering from Osteosarcoma for almost a year. The 12 year olds’ illness came as result of a fracture he sustained in his right knee.

According to his medical report form the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital, the patient is affected with numerous fragment of tissues composed of soft tissue and bone fragments of different shapes and sizes and the cut surface shows a focal area, white in colour.

The microscope exam conducted on him shows anaplasic cells invading the stroma and blood vessels and the tumor cells vary in shape and size with large hyper chromatic nuclei; a typical mitosis also observed numerous multinucleated giant cells and formation of bone in areas of neurosis are seen and the diagnosis indicates osteosarcoma of giant cells are poorly differentiated

Sanna Ceesay and family are appealing to Government, non-governmental organizations, individuals and philanthropists, to aid their beloved one so that he can regain his normal health.

For any assistance, the family can be reached on the following numbers: 9875883, 3731886 or 2025767.