A press statement dated 6 December and issued by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation has congratulatedpresident-jacob-zuma-of-south-africa President Elect Adama Barrow on his election. The press statement reads:

President Zuma has today, on behalf of the Government and the people of South Africa, congratulated President-elect Adama Barrow on his election as President of The Gambia following presidential elections that were held on 01 December 2016. President Zuma conveyed his best wishes to the President-elect Barrow and committed himself to working closely with him to strengthen bilateral relations between South Africa and The Gambia.

President Zuma also commended the outgoing President Yahya Jammeh for graciously conceding defeat.

Furthermore, President Zuma also commended the people of The Gambia for conducting peaceful and democratic elections. President Zuma stated that the peaceful and democratic manner under which these elections were conducted signify yet another positive step towards deepening democracy on the African continent.