Will There Be Any Objections Or Appeals On The List Of Voters By Citizens?



General registration of voters ended on 11th July 2021 and according to section 22 of the Elections Act, if any person attempted to be registered as voter and his or her name was not included in the list of voters prepared during registration, such person shall be entitled to for his or her name to be inserted in the list of voters. On the other hand, a person whose name appears on the list of voters may also appeal for his or her name to be expunged from the list of voters. Thirdly, a registered voter is entitled to object to the name of an unqualified person being on the list of voters and can file an objection to that effect.

The Chief Justice shall appoint first class magistrates to hold revising courts that will hear and decide on objections and appeals.

On 17th August, 2021 Foroyaa visited many registration centres in Banjul, Kanifing Municipality and Upper River Region and observed that lists of voters were posted at many polling stations. According to section 22 objections and appeals have to be filed within 14 days from the date when the lists of voters were posted. Fourteen days from the date of posting the lists of voters is 31st August, 2021, i.e., tomorrow.

The IEC has informed Foroyaa that it is yet to receive any objections or appeals from citizens. If this trend continues it is expected that the revising courts will not hear any objections and appeals from citizens. The IEC however had earlier said they have cases of double registration which they intend to take to the revising court for determination. Foroyaa will cover these cases and accordingly inform its readers of the outcome.