When Will The Councils Start Work?


Section 28 of the Local Government Act is clear. It reads:

“The Governor and, in the case of Banjul City and Kanifing Municipality, the Chief Executive Officers, shall appoint a date for the first meeting of a Council after a Local Government election and, thereafter, every other meeting of the Council shall be convened at least once a month by the Chairperson.”

Hence the Governors in the Regions and the Chief Executive Officers of Banjul City Council and Kanifing Municipal Council should convene the first meetings. Consultation should resume with the mayors-elect to prepare for the first meetings of the councils. The people who have elected the councillors since April are questioning what they are doing on their behalf. The Mayors should consult the Chief Executive Officers and the Chairpersons and the Governors to ensure that they convene the first meetings of the councils without delay.

Foroyaa will try to interview each Mayor elect and the Chief Executive Officer to see whether they are proactive in demanding for the convening of the first meeting of their council without delay.