What Type Of An Electoral System Do The Gambian People Want?



The promise made to effect the change on 2nd December 2016 is to bring about an electoral system that would create a level ground for multi-party contest. Many felt that incumbency was abused by transforming the state into the property of the incumbent. This was referred to as self-perpetuating rule.

Hence what is anticipated is constitutional and electoral reform to remove expensive deposits and fees, elimination of illicit financing of political parties, ensure respect for code of conduct in political campaign, elimination of patronage and intimidation and promotion of equal access to the media to explain policies and programmes. It was anticipated that the absolute majority principle would be introduced so that the 50 plus percent would be adhered to become president in the first round.

Foroyaa will continue to follow the sensitisation campaign of the IEC, the Inter Party Committee, the NCCE and the individual political parties to find out how far we have gone in creating a level ground for political contest.

Will the promise be delivered? Time will tell.