Waa Juwara from hospital back to prison


By Mustapha Jallow

Lamin Waa Juwara, the convicted former Minister of Regional Government, Lands and Traditional Rulers, who was hospitalised Waa Juwarafor the second time in his 6 months imprisonment, is again discharged from hospital and returned to the Mile Two prison.

Visiting the Emergency Ward of the Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH) in Banjul where he was readmitted yesterday, 28 July, around 2:30 pm, this reporter saw the former minister being escorted out to a waiting prison vehicle by 3 wardens and armed soldiers and which headed to the central prison.

When Soma Jallow-Juwara, one of the wives of Mr. Waa Juwara, was contacted to enquire about the situation, she explained that she was denied access to talk to her husband when she visited the hospital last Friday during the July 22 celebrations.

Kebba Njie, a younger brother to Mr Waa Juwara, also said that he too was denied access when he went to Mile Two after the 90 days period during which it is said that visits would not be allowed.

“I went there on 18 July after the 90 days but the prison authorities still told us that we could not see him. We had no option but to return home,” he lamented.

Mr. Njie said he and Mr. Waa Juwara’s daughter, Dado Juwara, again visited the prison the following day, 19 July, but were told that his brother has been taken to the hospital again. He said from there they proceeded to the hospital in Banjul and where they found him admitted at Emergency Ward under the guard of 5 armed soldiers and 3 prison wardens.