UTG Student Seeks Financial Assistance to Continue His Education


By Isatou Kanyi

A 27 year old male student of the University of The Gambia in the person of Adama Saidy, seeks financial assistance from all and sundry to continue his education.

According to Adama, he is a Senior School graduate studying Human Resource Management at the University of the Gambia; that in 2017, he completed his first semester course but later faced financial problems and could not afford the fees to continue to the next stage.

Saidy said his parents are not financial strong to pay for his University education; that the tuition fees for the 2019 to 2020 academy year is D34,900.00.

According to Adama, he has been knocking doors to get support to no avail; that he has applied for scholarship from the Ministry of Higher Education and other institutions but nothing has worked out.

“I am very humble and obedient and also very intelligent and diligent as a reader. I become one of the most successful Class Prefects at my School,” he said. Saidy concluded by calling on Government, NGOs and philanthropists within and outside the Gambia, to come to his aid in order for him to fulfill his educational ambitions.

Anyone who wants to assist Adama Saidy can reach him on the following numbers: 3548695 / 6922790 / 2050095.