Update on request for interview with Foreign Affairs on EU-Gambia relations


By Sailu Bah Efforts are still ongoing and have not yet materialised for anBala Gaba Jahumpa interview with Mr. Bala Garba Jahumpa, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, on the present state of relations between the Gambia Government and European Union following his statement denouncing theEU-ACP Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) as an arrangement designed to continue the exploitation and impoverishment of the African continent. A letter was written to the Foreign Affairs ministry on 2 December 2014 requesting for an interview with the minister to enable him shed more light on the government’s position regarding the EPAs and its relations with the EU among other related issues. When this reporter visited the ministry in a follow up on Wednesday, 17 December, the Secretary acknowledged receipt of the letter and promised that they will get back to Foroyaa as soon as the request for an interview is granted. It was said that Minister Jahumpa was out of the country and would be back by the following week. Visiting the ministry again on Monday, 22nd December, the Secretary confirmed that the request has been forwarded to the Minister and that they will call Foroyaa if the request is accepted.]]>