The Means To Reduce Violation Of The Code Of Conduct By Public Officers


Public officers are not supposed to take partisan postures in the delivery of public services. There is a code of conduct which forbids such behaviour.

Section 222 Subsection 13 states

“A person holding  an office  in a  public  service  or  any  disciplined force shall not-

(a)      allow his or her political  inclinations  to interfere with the discharge of his or her official duties;

(b)    be a  member  of,  or  take  part  in any  association  of  persons which  might  prevent  him or her from  impartially  discharging his or her duties; or

(c)     take part in any activities which cast doubt on his or her capacity to  deal  impartially  with  matters  or  issues  which  are  the concern  of his or her public office or which  interferes  with the performance of his or her public duties.”

Hence both the office of Ombudsman and the High Court, should be utilised to prevent any impunity from public officers or members of the disciplined force.