The Citizenship Bomb!


Many Gambians in many high places will automatically become non Gambian and become stateless once a precolonial concept of citizenship is implemented by the Barrow administration. Both first and second republican governments simply ignored the concept even though it was retained in the Constitution. The Barrow administration should have amended the provision which excludes people born in The Gambia from acquiring citizenship because the parents are not born in the Gambia or have not acquired citizenship by naturalization. If the country continues to deny ID cards to people born in The Gambia and are now either occupying high posts or running successful businesses a Rohingya situation will develop in The Gambia. This is a crisis to avoid by simply relying on common sense. If Gambians are acquiring citizenship in the US or Europe by birth why cannot those born in The Gambia. Extremist and exclusivist attitudes are not appropriate for democracies.