2016 is a memorable year which will go down in the annals of history as an year full of surprises. What many had thought was impossible has been happening.

It was said that the opposition can never be united but the opposition did respond to the demands of the people to form a coalition. When the coalition was formed the people took ownership and the enormity of the support was just unbelievable to many.

It was also contemplated that it was impossible to defeat President Jammeh at the polls and venturing into such an exercise was futile, but President Jammeh was defeated at the polls by 51,000 votes.

It was also anticipated that when defeated at the polls President Jammeh will not concede but he has conceded defeat and has promised a smooth transition.

The regime of President Jammeh will soon be no more and a new regime headed by President Elect Barrow will usher in a new era. It is evident from the expression of the people that expectations are high and the new regime must be ready to work. This is the very beginning of a new era that the people hope will bring them liberty and prosperity. They do not want a simple change of face.