“Sohorr ak Domm Juu Bonn!” Part 3 (Wickedness and the Criminal Child)


Alhajj Yerro reflected at his previous relationships.A1 Hojah She is a black beauty, very pretentious, her appearance can deceive people. “I took my fiancé to my mom Nene Habiba and their spirit became one. She confided in me; ‘My son, I would like to make her your wife, the same religion and the same ethnic group.’    “I replied, ‘But Nene that is not my criterion, will she make a good wife and mother to my children?’ ‘She will’, she replied without hesitation.” “I witnessed the shock of my life; as an architect and also in the business of construction I have magazines/stores all over the country and in one of my provincial tours I came back home unexpectedly and what did I find out? “As I entered my bedroom I heard voices that of my fiancée and my best childhood friend Aiyoumerou; I became cautious and tiptoed to the door and looked through the key holder, what did I see? The shock of my life; there was my best friend and confidante Aiyoumerou on top of my fiancée having good time and groaning. I opened the door over them and hmmmm! Look at their faces scared to death! I said, “Enjoy yourself! I am out of here!” And I left them flabbergasted and embarrassed. That was the end of my first love the woman my mom described as a relative because we are of the same ethnicity and religion. The next time I visited mom and she asked me about her I said; “The girl you’ve approved because of ethnicity and religion was caught red handed pants down with my best childhood friend Aiyoumerou.” “What! It’s a lie! And she looked so innocent! All that glitters is not gold, my son I’ll hence forth let you choose your bride and my only advice is be very careful about it.” “Thank you mom, that was a good advice and I’ve taken note.” Harrjata    She was my second love, a steady girl, businesslike and she never asked me for money. But she has a hidden, dangerous secret; she was diabolical, ‘juju’ which she describes as black assurance. I caught her red handed adding some mystical powder she calls ‘love portion’ into my food which made me scared to death, because I got tales of women/girls unintentionally killing their lovers/husbands through such means. I came home early and she did not know I was at home; then I tiptoed to the kitchen and saw her doing it. Then I exclaimed: “What are you adding to the pot? I hope you are not trying to poison me to death? Spare my life as I am the only son in an army of 13 women from both mothers, my mom and step mom.” Look at her face scared to death as she dropped the pot upon the floor. She became speechless and was shaking, she had to confess. “It is not as you think; you know I love you very much and do not want to lose you, that’s why I am using ‘black assurance to ensure just that!” “Are you using ‘love portion’ on me?” She hesitated to answer and I pressed on; “You have to answer me or this relationship is over, as I am no longer sure whether I am safe with you.” She confessed and confirmed my fears. “Have you ever used it on me?” I was scared to death when she answered in the affirmative. “It is over between us, I can now understand my frequent stomach aches, Harrja! Good riddance to bad rubbish!” That was the end of my second relationship. Becky She was a nice girl but has the problem of alcoholism and doping; I tried my best to rehabilitate her but to no avail. I took her to an Alcohol Anonymous Organization but she would cope for a while then relapse. Finally I had to give up on her. Njombat She is a black beauty, generous and kindhearted but is greedy, and has a dark secret of stealing and telling blatant lies. I caught her many times stealing my foreign exchange and when I confronted her she kept on giving excuses. Alhajj Yerro    “Who am I going to trust again? 4 women in a row and each with a big but! But my spirit yearns for Adamatou, a black beauty, simple, natural, kindhearted, considerate, look at that day I met her, I stood waving at transports for 4 hours and no one stood even to hear my concern but she did. Is there any divinity in my meeting this innocent girl? Perhaps Allah was showing me my wife after many disappointments, a girl in this age and time driving a ‘keke’ and doing it with purpose and diligence? She is a rare gem in the midst of the multitude and since I met her my mind cannot get off her; I’ll go find her and tell her I want to make her my wife; though she is very deep and difficult to penetrate but there is no harm in trying; good things are difficult to get.” He made up her mind to go to the main city garage and asked about Adama. Gorra He is Yerro’s best friend and is more real than Aiyou who betrayed him. Yerro paid Gorra a visit and intimated his concern to him. Alhajj Yerro “My brother from another mother, my heart is worried and you are the only one I share my secrets with; I met a girl sometime ago in the traffic precisely, she bailed me out of a great stress, you remembered the story I told you about my travel to the provinces to submit my tender papers?” Gorra “I do.” Alhajj Yerro “Adamatou is her name she helped me submit my papers in time and refused the monetary gift I gave her to show my appreciation; since then I cannot get her out of my mind and my spirit yearns for her. I want to make her my wife and my spirit tells me she is my missing rib.” Gorra “Pray over it and follow your heart; I’ll also pray over it.” Alhajj Yerro “She is everything I desire in a woman, the mother of my children and I am quite sure Nene will approve of her.” To be Cont  ]]>