SeyiiTolof – Tolof Part 59 (Story 4) (Difficult Marriages)


By Amie Sillah

Saul and Sohu
The couple dropped by to enquire why their best pals could not attend their dinner party.

 She tried to explain why they could not attend the dinner party.
“We all dress up but as soon it was time to leave Gaa was attacked again severing like a leaf, I tried to call you but he said I should not spoil your occasion and insisted I should come alone but I couldn’t left him alone with the house Help and the kids. I am very sorry.”

The Couple
   “That is understood! Where is our man?”

She laughed and said;
“What is greater than the cricket has taken it out of the hole. His mother took him to hospital.”

In union they exclaimed; “His mother?” And they winked at each other.

She came running from her studies and expressed herself confirming Tida’s story.
“Good afternoon Uncle Saul and Aunty Sohu! Have you brought cakes for us? My parents wanted to attend but suddenly my dad was knocked down by malaria and mom has to stay and take care of him.”

The Couple
“We are very sorry little angel; it is no fault of your parents.” Aunty Sohu went on;
“You are right by the weekend I’ll bake a lot of cake for all your family members trust me.” She kissed her forehead.

“I’ll find a little present for you. Okay thank you I am running back to complete my home work.”

“It is no fault of yours; your little genius has proven it. It sounds very funny his mother took him to hospital?” They laughed hysterically.

He droves into the compound.
“The son of the devil is back!” Ti said.
The couple greeted Mama Saw and she greeted back


Mama Saw
“The battle is won, Field marshal Mama!” She saluted.
The couple laughed and winked each other.

“Don’t you worry we are au fait with everything, your little genius has told us everything we needed to know, you are already absolved.”

   “Kumuna of course!Who else?”

“Oh that kid Kumuna! With his running mouth! Okay let’s go in.”

“We are just from work and past by to know the reason why you dishonor our invitation, now that’s we know the reason let us leave you to rest after a hectic day.” They hugged and left them.

At their Home
  As they entered their bed room to undress Sohu raised the question;
“What have you notice about Gaa’s mother?” Sohu asked.

“That she’s a concern old mother who dots on her son and has a strong influence over him that’s all!”

 “It is more than that she calls herself Field Marshall Mama and her relationship with Gaa has this queer stint which can be noticed by any keen observer.”

He laughed heartily and said;
“Bravo psycho-analyst Sohu who can read peoples’ minds and actions in a second! Can I have my dinner now?”

She laughed and said;
 “Can you have your gorgeous wife for dinner?”
“Why not? Here I am.”
They gave each other a good treat before going to have their delicious dinner.

As usual show her hospitality smiling and giving Mama everything she needs, ask or not ask. She served her fruit salad and juice with home made snacks as she joined the chatting with her husband.

Mama Saw
“I am leaving for the village early tomorrow morning to catch the first express bus and you people will not see me for quite a while.” She addressed her son;
“As for you Gaa, you should go back to the hospital tomorrow and get your result and I’ll expect you put me to the picture as soon as you get your results. Can I accompany you tonight to your date?” She asked.

She hesitated but said;
“Why not a family date and we will all enjoy ourselves.”

Mama Saw
“I don’t want to be a nuisance; I want you enjoy your ‘chuck! Chuck!” She demonstrated passionate kisses.
“Mama you are very funny.” Tida posited.

 “Mama I’ll be going day after tomorrow the test takes 48 hours, I’ll let you know, trust me there is no turning back.”

Mama Saw
Stop tormenting the people dear to you, your lovely wife and concern mom; and don’t let me come back for the same issue if not I’ll be very crossed.” She warned.

“Mama stay, we need you to complete the process until he gets his results on Wednesday.”

Mama Saw
 “I wish I could but I couldn’t I have signed a contract with some schools to teach school children horticulture; next time, but take your role seriously like father like son, I took my role seriously and changed my husband. Be humble but firm on principle.”

   She laughed hilariously;
“But Gaa told me he is easy going as Papa and you have always been the matriarch in their lives.”

Mama Saw
  He never knew his dad he was very young when he died; all he knows is what I’ve told him about his father. Gaa is my only surviving son after I lost 3 boys and 2 girls, you see why we are closely knitted my daughter; but you are a responsible, caring and passionate daughter who love your husband and children you were born here but brought up abroad but you have still maintain your discipline keep it up God will reward you abundantly. Any problem feel free to inform Field Marshall Mama!” They hugged each other and shed tears of joy.
Gaa is impatient as he horned Mama to come to be taken to the bus station.

She paid the family a visit and asked about Gaa.

“How is your bushman husband? Has he received his result? Haven’t I told you his mom spoil him and can provide his antidote.”

“ Mrs. Parasitologist please sister he has changed stop calling him a ‘bushman’, I love him! He is expected to go on Wednesday to collect it. We keep our fingers crossed. What are you up to any health products from your company?”

“We are advertising natural healthy products to give an alternative to many of our ailments as well as green fuel products. Prof is trying for me to go on a sabbatical to get my Associate Professorship in Parasitology and Public Health Administration, to take lecturing when I return to be closed to the family.
On a serious note, what about you? You are a graduate for God’s sake, why should you opt to be a complete house wife? Your area is entertainment please establish a small business for future guarantee.”

“I’ve discuss it with George but he would not hear it, he said the family has enough to cater for all our needs and why should I stress myself with any work for that matter.”

  “Well am only concern with our men no one knows what tomorrow can bring, but f you said so I have to respect your opinion.”

To be Cont.