Seyii Tolof – Tolof – Part 586 EPISODE 37 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Domm Ju Gorr’ The Value of the Male Child)


She reflected hard after Yaaga’ story;
“Look at this wretched girl she has nothing but God has blessed her with five pregnancies all male children she aborted 4 but retained one which is Abel she will have no problem with backward patriarchal society but look at me a sophisticated woman of high caliber I am nothing because I don’t have a male child especially needed in the family of my husband the traditional rulers; my beautiful, witty Seela is not valued.” She was hallucinating as Yaaga shouted her name and she came from her slumber.  

She became afraid;
“Have I said anything wrong? Forgive me if I do.”

“No! No! No!” She quickly catches up;
“I was just thinking how lucky you are by producing boys since you started having children.”

“You are right my lady God does not give one person everything.”

“Thank you sleep well we’ll see each other tomorrow.”

The Sweet Couple
Both of them are workaholic bred in the U.S they teased each other in romance running around and having fun as they reassured each other.

Pa Gela
He confronted Taaru;
“My fair damsel what have you said about my request?”

“I don’t  understand what do you mean? What request are you talking about?”

Pa Gela
“Are you kidding me your dad? You don’t want to have pity for a desperate old man?  Okay I’ll take my decision in one month’ time.” Then he left Taaru gazing.

Maama Linguerre
Taaru came to her quite worried;
“Taaru are you okay? You looked sad can we share it?”

“Mom what’ wrong with dad? He is very harsh with me, he is never this rude to me. What have I done wrong?”

Maama Linguerre
“He is a traditional ruler there are lots of problems on his head he is also head of a Conglomerate so many things to worry about leave him alone it is his cross to carry. Come here tell me about work.” She said so to ease her tension.

“Maama I have brought along an old school mate friend whom I found in deplorable condition she is with her son an unmarried mother the child’ dad has been sentenced to 10 years hard labour without parole she also had some serious issues with her dad and step mother; I have brought her around to be my cook and will join the culinary staff immediately and will be living in the servant quarters. What do you say to that mummy?”

Maama Linguerre
She hugged her with a pad at the back;
“Well done! You are right as a Career woman you cannot be bugged with house hold drudgery hence you recommended her why not it is alright with me and I’ll communicate with dad leave everything to me.” She hugged mom and smiled.

Rich Woman
Her daughter is Hanju Yaaga’ friend they nicknamed her Maama Sucre because she loves life dressing flamboyantly even at home doing nothing; Yaaga came home beaming and she knew she has good news.
“Spill it out baby I know it is very good news what is the jack pot?”

“It is more than a jackpot I came across my school mama now a big girl with a big car she invited me to her mansion and offered me a good job as one of the chef of her mansion she is married to an only son of a rich traditional ruler they are just from the US and she is working in one of their department in a big conglomerate own by her father in law.”

Rich Woman
“Have you taken her offer?”

“Yes Ma do I have a choice? I have accepted it.”

Rich Woman
“That is excellent now you have  an opportunity shame your  parents they have labeled you as a failure shame them you have your good salary have a bank book and start to save and plan life for your son Abel join family planning and don’t get pregnant so soon that is my candid advice.”

“Thank you Ma what would I have done without you? I’ll keep to your advice.”

She visited a Juju man with Nasaah some years back in their relationship this was what was said by him;
“You are under a curse good things evade you and you’ll never make it in life as you betray those who are compassionate to you your head is like a fish you’ll never be serious until you died.”

“Who put the curse on my girl?”

Juju man
“Her step mother put the curse on her head when she left them for you.”

“Does her dad know about it?”

Juju Man
“Her dad is part of the curse he did it with her step mom.”

“I am going to attack them both wicked people how can they lay a curse upon their only daughter?”

Juju Man
“She is not the child of the step mother she would not have done it to her born daughter. “

“You cannot undo it?”

Juju Man
“I cannot the juju was thrown into the sea and has been driven away now it is her good deeds that can save her she should not bite the finger that feeds her.”
To be Cont.