Seyii I Tolof – Part 126 EPISODE 11 (Difficult Marriages – Gorro Bu Bagh – Gracious)


By Amie Sillah

If, a disciplined girl an only child of her parents Daddy Bankoli and Mama Ayo married to Badara whose parents are Alhajj Babou and Hadja Maga who sojourn for greener pastures but gossip has it that they lost everything during a civil war of the country they went to and they came back empty handed abandoned by close relatives and friends.   Their only surviving son Badara who has a sister became an overnight Millionaire but how did he treat his parents and how did Ify react to the situation? Is a nice reading to show the other side of a daughter in law.

Badara’ Parents
They live in their village deep into the interior abandoned by close relatives and friends as returnees from a war torn country living in abject poverty. Ify is not yet married to Badou but spends a lot of quality time with him preparing for their marriage ceremony. She visited the village with some provisions for her in-laws they were very happy that even before the marriage rites were formalized Ify is already playing the gracious daughter-in-law.
Hadja rushed to welcome her into their humble abode;
“You did not forget us and Allah will also bless you in abundance.” She went and hugged her as soon as she alighted from her car.
The neighbours rushed as well as Mama Saptieu who is also a childhood friend and a returnee from the war torn country. They took the food stuff into the house and Ify dashed some little token for the trouble of the helpers which they appreciated. Hadja gave Mama some of the gifts which she very much appreciated.
“She always help me in my time of need please thank her for me.” She told Ify who also showed great appreciation to Mama Sap.

Back to the City
She returned back to the city well satisfied that she brought smiles on the ragged faces of her in-laws. As soon as she alighted from her car Badou came out and scolded her;
“Where are you coming from?” He asked.
“I went out to visit some friends.”
“Which friends and who are they?”
“Why the tough interrogation? Am I under investigation and what is my crime before I answer any question?”
“Why did you disobey my instructions? Why are you so stubborn?” Badou charged.
“I don’t understand what this raving and ranting is all about!” She posited.
“Let us go back to the village and you retrieve everything you have deposited there!” She forced her into her and they drove to the village. It was a long journey but he did not care as long as his mission is fulfilled.

At the Village
Ify could not believe her eyes and she protested;
“This is utter madness! How could you be this cruel and heartless Badara? This is insane!” She felt disappointed and ashamed as Badou rushed into the house and collected every food item through raving, ranting and hurling insults unto his parents.
“You are not going to eat my hard earned money, you don’t deserve it wicked souls!” After collecting everything he went and asked them to return the cash Ify gave them as ‘fish money’.
“Where is the money Ifisini gave you as ‘fish money’?”
Hadja sobbed bitterly;
“Am I not your mother that has carried you for nine months inside my womb? Society rejected us and you also our only surviving son? What have we done to you to receive such a degrading and humiliating treatment?”
He raved and ranted further;
“If you eat my money may Allah punish and curse you!” Ify went into the car and he drove back to the city.

Alhajj Bagaly
He was disillusioned, flabbergasted and humiliated as his mind wandered back through memory lane.
Before the war he was a diamond dealer well established and has helped many of his country people and was dubbed as being generous and kind hearted but he was later duped by the ‘bad guys’ and much later by the gruesome civil war which drove him home to his homeland penniless, bruised, tattered and torn. He lost all his children due to penury and now Allah has blessed his only surviving son and he is treating him as trash benefitting others and making him a laughing stock.
“Let me die! Allah take my life and let me suffer no more!” He sobbed bitterly beside his wife whom he has married from his sojourns. The duo got into emotional outburst.

Mama Saptieu
She is very upset when she heard what Badara did to his parents.
“This is undone! What’s wrong with this stupid boy? How can he treat his parents like this? This is undone, I’ll call for him or better go to the city and scold him, honour thy parents the good books of the Bible and Qur’an instructed the believers!” She posited.

“Mama you amaze me! Where are you taking the foodstuff?”
“To my friend and her husband of course before hunger kills them.”
“Which friend, Mama Maga whose rich son sponsors half of the village children and has opened small businesses for many villagers and also his sibling in university while your two daughters myself and Abiyana unemployed selling in your petty shop and helping in household chores? Are you serious mama?” She chided.
She threw her shoes at her which she dodged with sinister laughter.
“Nowadays children are rude no respect for your parents but I am different a no nonsense mother and a single one at that who has taken care of both of you up to now, where are your father’s people? What have they done for you since his demise? Talk back to me and see what I’ll do to you.” She scolded and left grumbling.
“I am in a position to help my friend she did help me while we were abroad hustling to make ends meet. And none of your ingratitude comments will make me abandon her family.” She hissed while on her way to her friend.

“She has her priorities misplaced look at us rotting in the village why can’t she ask Badara to sponsor us in skills centre training? She is just selfish and is satisfied that he helped her small business which she hides and thinks she can fool us? She is a busy body and I hate her hypocrisy, why did she not impress upon Badou to help his parents dying in penury while he basks in plenty?”

To be Cont.