Save Yourself And Others From Covid-19


The number of confirmed Covid-19 cases and the number of Covid-19 related deaths keep rising at an alarming rate. Yesterday, ten deaths were announced. Pronouncement by the state puts the total number of deaths so far at 311 and the number of confirmed cases at 9533.

Covid-19 infection does not have a cure and can cause death. But we can enhance our immunity considerably by being vaccinated free of charge. Go and get vaccinated now and save yourself from becoming too sick and dying. We have seen many of our relatives and friends dying from Covid-19. We can minimize this if we are vaccinated.

We can also minimize transmission by wearing face masks keeping a distance from each, particularly when we are indoors or in crowded places. If transmission of Covid-19 reduces the number of cases and Covid-19 related deaths will reduce.

Save your life, the life of your family or friend or even the life of another you may not know by GETTING VACCINATED, WEARING FACE MASKS AND KEEPING A SAFE DISTANCE FROM OTHERS.