Saayii Tolof Part 422 EPISODE 30 (Difficult Marriages – ‘Dusa Nawle’ not your Category, your Class)


  He married Njillan after Mam Butorr ditched him for another man;
“I cannot marry you Jaato after what Fams your friend did to my friend Jaambi I have to ditch you before you ditch me.” M.B argued.

“It is a lie you never love me as Jaambi love my friend Fams I used to tell him that ‘a cow never values its tail until it loses it.’ He shed blood tears when Jula show him ‘peppe’ and what happens to Jaambi? Allah never sleeps she has a wonderful loving husband who lives in heaven with her and she also upgraded her scholarship blessed with two a handsome boy and a beautiful girl.” Jaato argued.

“Whatever I don’t care!” That was the end of their courtship Jaato was fortunate to get another girl Njillan whom he proposed and later married at first the couple lived in Njillan’ brother’ house who was abroad when he told them he was coming for holidays they relocated to a rented Bungalow while Jaato construct his house.

Jaato’ Marriage Life
The Honey moon was sweet then reality dawn;
“Darling you have to quit your job and I’ll be responsible for you what are you earning per month?”

“As a middle level manager I am earning 20+ including all my small, small benefits are you ready to give me that?”

“I’ll try it is not a problem.”

“Put it in writing.”

“Don’t you believe me? Where is the trust between husband and wife?” He refused to give an undertaking but Njils has already recorded the conversation on unbeknown to him.

She took leave without pay for two months just to trap Jaato and prove him a liar and cheat.
He fulfilled his promise at the first month but it was tough for him because his mother’ demands are excessive as the only man of a family of ten.

The following Month
He came with excuses and Njils reacted;

“I am going back to work you cannot cater for my needs your family make excessive demands on you and you cannot say no as the only man in a family of ten let me work and take care of myself you can take care of them am I complaining?”

“No! You cannot go back to work will your boss take you back or are you going to give him ‘bottom power’ as Jula has done?”

She gave him a nasty slap and they automatically entered a brawl and fought bitterly as two hungry lions.
“No to battering only coward, insecure men beat their partners but I’ll teach you the lesson of your life if you ever lay a hand on me again.”

“I ask you to quit your job because I don’t want you to end up as Jula my friend Fams was too lenient with her until she became bossy over him and control the family.”

“I am not Jula and you are not Fams mind your business and save your stupid life.” She left.

“Where are you going? I am sorry I over reacted.” Njils drove away without uttering a word.

Faaye (leaving a partner for a while to cool off temper)
She went to a ‘Baajen’ paternal aunt who hid her while she sort out with her husband.

Baajen Njome
    She is a panka (no nonsense woman) a ‘kanda’ successful business woman, a philanthropist and an Activist she does not condone wife battering; she examined Njils to ensure she is not hurt in anyway;
“How did it happen I don’t see any bruise?”

“I am a sports woman I’ve learn karate and judo we fought like two hungry lions he will not practice it again I almost fell him on the ground had our house help not arrive in time to help him and pushed me out of the house he was embarrassed in front of two women.”

Baajen Njome
“Well done my niece never allow any man to beat you, you are not a punching bag!”

Her Story
“I did not go to conventional school but ‘daara’ (local koranic school) my parents want to take me to school but my grandma and ‘toma’ (name sake) kick against it;”
‘Dodou I kick against it Njome Mundow is ‘big woman’ and smart if she goes to school she will smoke, go dancing, drink and bring us an unwanted baby she is very smart take her to ‘daara’ and marry her off at puberty.’
“My dad was an only child and ‘mama’ boy’ he agreed but my mother wept bitterly and prophesized;
“Njome Mundow will never forgive you, you are denying a tomorrow’ doctor, lawyer, intellectual.”
She turned to me and gave me counseling and courage;
“excel in ‘daara’ with it and your smartness you can go into adult learning and business you will it I give you my blessing.”
To be Cont.