Presidential Aspirants And Political Activists Taking Different Stands


A number of presidential aspirants are clearly not taking a militant position on the three year/five year political agenda. Presidential aspirants are guarding their comments knowing fully well that any arrest, trial and conviction could bar them from becoming presidential candidates in the next election.

Hence it should be clear to all that it is regime change that has taken place and not system change. The objective of the change was to put an end to self-perpetuating rule and put in place a transitional process where all will work to change a system with all its laws, institutions and mindset. If such a transition was put in place with no vested interest to protect, then at the end of the transition there would not have been any issue of a three- or five-year mandate, there would have been no division between presidential aspirants and political activists. All would have worked together for the common good.

That trajectory has now been derailed and a countless number of people are now scrambling for political leadership. Instead of facing the reality as it is, the blame game is continuing as to who should bell the cat. Unless Gambians go back to the drawing board and find out where everything started and what was achieved and what went wrong and what ought to be done to head towards the right direction, the prophets of doom will give their sermons, the prophets of interests would try to fish for political power from troubled waters and the prophets of confusion will seek to convince the masses to blame everyone but themselves.

‘Never Again’ is the slogan. This will only be true if we all search and accept the truth. As the old adage goes only the truth shall set us free.