Police Arrest 3 Members of Cement Importers Association


By Kemeseng Sanneh (Kexx)

Three (3) members of the Cement Importers Association were arrested at the National Assembly premises by personnel of the Gambia Police Force (GPF) for showing their demands through banners and t-shirts with messages.

The banners portray messages like “Mr President Say Something,” “Our Trucks Are Standing at the Border,” “We Need Free Trade Market,” “Why are we not allowed to work in our country?” “Please lift the ban on the importation of cement,” “Liberate Trade on Cement Importers” and “Why only one man is allowed to import cement?” among other messages.

The Association members are displeased with the recent increment in the duty they pay at the border, describing it as exorbitant and meant to protect the interest of three (3) cement companies.

Foroyaa contacted one Alagie Mbye, a member of the Association who narrated the incident. He said they went to the Assembly to welcome the President, who was there to deliver the State of the Nation Address and also use the opportunity to convey their messages to him. He stated that they had written twice to the Office of the President, but they were not accorded an audience and they also requested a police permit to hold a peaceful protest, but the police did not grant their request.

He said one policeman called Momodou Lamin Correa came to them asking them to disperse, when the President had already entered the National Assembly. While dispersing, Alagie Mbye said some boys requested T-shirts, and one of his colleagues, Omar went to the car to bring the T-shirts to give the boys, culminating in the arrest of Omar and Sheikh Cham by the paramilitary personnel present there. He said they were detained at the police headquarters.

Alagie said he visited them at the police headquarters where he was questioned by the police on his involvement in the matter. He added that he informed them that he was a member of the Association and was also at the National Assembly. He stated that the police arrested him.

Alagie said he was later released without any conditions while two of his colleagues were released on bail with the bail bond of Ten Thousand Dalasi (D10,000). They were asked to report today.

The police spokesperson was contacted for comments, but he promised to reach out to Foroyaa once he obtains the information.