Ombudsman Launches official website


By Kebba Jeffang The office of the Ombudsman on Wednesday, August 19, 2015 held an official launching of Mrs. Fatou Njie Jallowits website for easy accessibility of the complainants in various work places in the country. Speaking at the ceremony held in a local hotel, Mrs. Fatou Njie Jallow, the Ombudsman, said one of the core reasons for the establishment of her office is to observe the basic fundamental human rights and democracy.“It is for the pursuance of the lofty ideals of good governance in which Ombudsman institutions occupy pride of place. Central to the ideals behind the creation of the office of the Ombudsman, is a drive towards creating a government that is alive to the needs of the people, a government that upholds the rights of the citizens and defends them against the misuse of power,” said the Ombudsman. Mrs. Jallow added that the public sector is a key service provider to the tax payer and as such public officers are not only required to render public services to members of the public but they are obliged to do so while observing the principles of good administration and good conduct. “The fight against administrative injustice is our collective responsibility while the Ombudsman mainly creates the leadership and direction through government’s support,” she said. The Ombudsman urged for more cooperation with the public institution to address complainants of unlawful termination and dismissal, unfair treatment and injustice complainants. She said they have registered huge success due to cooperation. She assured that the Ombudsman will continue to serve as a broker not only to articulate the rights of the ordinary citizens but to also act as a check on the administrative arms of the government. “The website we are launching today has a very important feature and that is the online service which will allow people to make complaints online. This will serve complainants’ time and energy. It is also very informative,” she concluded. Mr. Sheriff Bojang, Minister of Information and Communication Infrastructure (MOICI), said it is the responsibility of the government to protect its people and their rights and the vulnerable to ensure justice for all. He said generally, including the Gambia, there is a tendency for officials to abuse or misuse administrative systems. “You may wish to note that maladministration had existed during the colonial era and also flourished during the first republic. And despite all the efforts made by this regime, maladministration continues to persist in the public service,” minister said. Mr. Bojang said the Ombudsman is created to ensure that both public sector employees and members of the public who access public services are protected from arbitrary unregulated acts of occupants of public office. Minister Bojang thanked the office of the Ombudsman for the creation of the website for quicker communication. He assured the continuous support from the Gambia government.]]>