Nyanqui Case referred to Special Criminal Court


By Lamin Fatty

Basse Magistrates’ Court on 23rd December 2020, transferred the rape case of a man from Sandu Nyankui to the Special Criminal Court.

Magistrate Omar Jabang transferred the matter and remanded the accused pending his appearance before the special criminal court upon hearing the testimony of the alleged victim in chambers.

When the case was called before Magistrate Jabang at Basse Magistrates’ Court,  the police prosecutor Sub Inspector E Ceesay quickly applied to the court for the witness (the victim ) to testify in chambers.

“I am applying that this hearing be held in chambers due to the fact that the incoming witness is the alleged victim  and a child as well, since her integrity must be protected” E. Ceesay stated.

This was granted by Magistrate Jabang and the alleged victim, a 17 years old girl, gave her testimony in his chamber in the presence of only the magistrate, the prosecutor, the interpreter, the accused and also one close relative from both sides.

A man called Amba Camara from Sandu Nyankui  was accused of raping a 17 year old girl under his care multiple times.

The matter was reported to Diabugu police station leading to the arrest of the man, who was subsequently charged and granted bail. 

The accused was first arraigned before the magistrates’ court on Thursday 10th December 2020, where Magistrate Jambang read the charges against him but Amba pleaded not guilty and the case was adjourned till 23rd December to allow the prosecution to call its witnesses.