Lawyer Suso Concludes Questioning Policewoman in Westfield Bureau Murder Trial


By Kemeseng Sanneh (Kexx)

Senior Lawyer Omar Suso from the National Agency for Legal Aid (NALA) has concluded his cross-examination of a policewoman, who gave evidence about what she saw on the day of the alleged murder incident.

Isatou M. Barry, a resident of Banjul and a policewoman gave an explanation as to what she witnessed. 

Arona Tine, the accused person, allegedly killed Fatoumatta Kargbo by stabbing her at the HM Bureau de Change at Westfield, resulting in her untimely death. Tine denied the charge.

The following is a detailed version of the cross-examination between Defence Counsel O. Suso and the witness.

Defense Counsel O. Susso: There is a road between Bloom Bank and the Forex bureau. Would you agree?

Isatou M. Barry: Yes, there is a road.

Defense Counsel O. Susso: Are Bloom Bank and the bureau close to Alvihag?

Isatou M. Barry: Yes.

Defense Counsel O. Susso: Would you agree that Alvihag is a busy commercial area with frequent vehicle parking?

Isatou M. Barry: Yes, it is busy, although vehicles are not always parked.

Defense Counsel O. Susso: In your initial statement, you mentioned seeing a lady coming from the Bureau de Change. 

Isatou M. Barry: Yes, that is correct.

Defense Counsel O. Susso: Based on your observation of the lady coming from the Bureau de Change, do you believe the alleged incident took place inside the bureau?

Isatou M. Barry: The lady emerged from the bureau, fell, and the accused did not touch her. Therefore, if an incident occurred, it likely happened inside the bureau.

Defense Counsel O. Susso: As your account is limited to outside observations, and you did not witness the events inside, how did you conclude that the accused was an armed robber?

Isatou M. Barry: The lady ran out of the bureau, followed by the accused carrying a knife, a cross bag, and a jacket. No one else exited the bureau.

Defense Counsel O. Susso: Since you were not the first person to arrive at the scene, would you agree that your testimony is based on suspicion rather than direct observation?

Isatou M. Barry: I was not the first, but the third person to reach the scene.

Defense Counsel O. Susso: Do you agree that your testimony regarding the accused stabbing the deceased is based on suspicion as you were not inside the bureau?

Isatou M. Barry: Yes, I suspected that he stabbed her because he was the only person who came out of the bureau following the lady (deceased).

The case was adjourned to Monday, the 3rd of June 2024 at 11 am for a new witness to come.