Jongaama Part 9


By Amie Sillah Richie He exploded. “I don’t need anything from you; I don’t have interest in you, please leave me alone, am I the only man you fancy? I don’t want you to come to this house again, do you understand?” Richie remarked rudely. Sha She literally broke down and begged Richie to befriend her as a girlfriend. “I don’t need anything from you but love and care. I like everything about you, your scent, looks, personality, playing hard to get, the way you talk, anger at me, everything about you, I love you.” Sha expressed. Richie “I understand you, just turn around and face the world, close your eyes.” Then he walked away from her. Richie    He brought Rose home from the Nursing Home accompanied by Matam Rose’s sister. “Why are you staring at me?” He asked Rose. She forced a smile. “Thank you my love whenever I am worried you gave a word of encouragement. Are you sure that I’ll walk again?” “Ah! Why do you talk like that? Do your regular exercises and take your drugs regularly, no more crying; can you do that for me? I love you.” Richie said. “I love you more.” Rose responded as Richie pushed her around the house. Richie He came home and found a note at his door, he picked it up and went inside. The Note “What have I done to deserve such a treatment from you? Is it a crime to fall in love? It is insane because the more you show me hatred the more I do love you with all my heart and my love for you is forever and it will remain like that put it in your thick skull. Sha.” Richie read it, shook his head and put it in his pocket. Sha She stood at the verandah and waited for Richie; this is love by force, at all cost. Surprise announcement Richie came out and went to meet Sha waiting at theverandah for him. “Listen! I do not come to quarrel with youand I do not hate you either, it is just that you love the wrong person at the wrong time. “ “it does not matter I can wait, I care about you so much.” Sha posited. “I love to take you and your friends out by the weekend.” Sha jumped with excitement and could not believe her ears, her dream coming true sooner than later. “We will go out and come back the next day.” “Is it a picnic right?” “It is going to be a big surprise.” “I love surprises.” “Go and inform your friends.” “They will be surprise and very excited.” She sprang and kissed her on the lips. Richie is surprised as he rubbed off the kisses and went back into his house. The Excitement    The friends were equally excited as she predicted. “Come and help me in the packing I have long awaited this day when the love of my life would ask me out for any event especially a day long picnic somewhere cozy and private.She sang love songs for Richie and is very excited. She took out many sexy dresses but rejected them; finally she asked her friends to choose any three sexy dresses for her. “Don’t stress us, we will just choose random three and that’s all.” “I’ll go by your verdict.” Sha posited. At Batakunku    The residence is by the beach side. Richie entertained his guests at the verandah opposite the beach and ocean. He served them ‘fou-fou with palasas soup’, all the leaves fresh from his garden, ‘domoda-yapp with findi’ was also served, equally fresh fruit from the orchard used to prepare fresh juice. They were delighted and enjoyed the food. “Who prepare the food?” The girls asked Richie. “I prepare it.” “Are you sure?” “Very sure, as an only child my mom taught me all these lifesaving skills; we lost my dad when I was 2 years old. My uncles were rejected by mom when they showed up to marry her because of dad’s wealth; she took care of me singly and only remarries my step dad when I entered university. She sacrificed a lot for me as a single parent. I lost mom before completing my university education. You see ladies I have already told you a lot about myself. Now give me a second, I’ll be right back.” Richie disappeared into a room. Toasting to the Health Sha toasted to their health contemplating. “Perhaps he is coming back to propose to me.” Sha told her friends. “This village is beautiful, I love the environment, and in fact when we are married we will reside here away from the hustle and bustle of the city.” Sha posited. “And you’ll invite us for picnic here.” The friends posited. “Richie’s big surprise is that he’ll bring us here to have our breakfast and lunch then to proceed to his parents’ house to meet his uncles for introduction.” Sha explained. “We would prefer to stay here to enjoy the environment while you and your man have the privacy to visit his uncles for introduction.” “That’s my girls! So considerate of you; I would just love the privacy of the two of us.” Sha posited. “Come to think of it, I am not properly dressed to meet those elderly people, what am I going to do?” Sha asked. “We have brought in some African dresses and you are at liberty to use them while we wait here for you people.” She kissed them and expressed nervousness. “What would they think of me?” She asked them. “We are not soothsayers to know what they will think of you but our advice is for you to be yourself, keep calm and be respectful to them. The Shock of Their Lives Richie pushed in a beautiful physically challenged sister and introduced her to them. “Sha! This is Rose (Yaa Diborr), the love of my life, my fiancée; although she suffers from a rare genetic muscular disease with drugs and regular exercises she can walk again, we wanted to marry but she asked me to meet until she can stand on her feet to enjoy the beauty of her wedding gown. Her parents are coming from U.K by the end of the year for us to finally tie the knought. Disbelieve! Anger! Frustration! Sha was stoned dead unable to utter a single word. The girls were overwhelmed. Richie “You expressed your undying love for me which I do appreciate but I told you that you love the wrong person at the wrong time. I brought you here with your friends as my witness that I have a girl in my life that I love dearly; we have gone through the journey of life thick and thin and I am ready to lay down my life for her. Don’t be deceive I can’t love you or any girl for that matter, am sorry.” The friends scratched their heads. “Sweetie! This is Sha my neighbour with her friends also my neighbours.” Rose She waved and greeted them. “Hi!” “Hi!” The girls responded. The Outburst “Gush! What a cheek! Unacceptable!” Sha rushed out leaving her friends behind. To be Cont.]]>