Is The Draft Constitution To Be Implemented In Bits And Pieces?



Schedule 3 of the rejected draft constitution states:

For the purposes of election to the National Assembly, the members shall be elected from the following Constituencies:

a)       53 persons elected from single member constituencies as demarcated by the Independent Boundaries and Electoral Commission;

b)      14 Women, 2 elected from each administrative area

c)       2 persons elected by persons with disabilities from amongst the members of the Federation representing such persons.”

The draft Constitution is in limbo.  However, there is plan to transform schedule 3(a) and (b) into a Bill for enactment. Will the executive and the National Assembly see eye to eye on this matter? If they do, will this set the pace of cannibalising the draft Constitution in order meet the interests of stakeholders? The future will tell. History will write the lessons and some people with foresight would finally say “we told you so”