Incumbent President Jammeh Declares A State of Public Emergency


By Suwaibou Touray

Gambia’s president Jammeh has said he has decided to declare a state of public emergency throughout the length and breadth of the Gambia.

“Based on Section—–, subsection 1 paragraph 3 of the Gambia Constitutiononthis 17 day of January 2017 hereby declares a public emergency throughout the Islamic republic of the Gambia,” said President Jammeh.

He further said as a situation exists if it is allowed to continue could lead to a public emergency.

“This declaration is necessitated by:

(1) the unprecedented and extraordinary amount of interference in the December 1st 2016 Presidential elections and also in the political interference in the internal affairs of the Gambia;

The unwarranted hostile atmosphere in the sovereignty, peace, security and stability of the country;
The inability of the Supreme Court as a result of the non-appearance of the judges to deal with the petition which is influenced by foreign powers and their agents;
The efforts to empower the Chairman of the IEC which was captured in a video recording and the plans that have been made to stop the judges from appearing and the fear and confusion generated in the country could lead to a breakdown of law and order.
He also ordered that all citizens should abide by law and order and are hereby banned from engaging in disobedience to law, incitement to violence and any act intended to cause the breakdown of peace and order.

Based on these reasons, “I the President of the Islamic Republic of the Gambia hereby declare a state of public emergency throughout the country for a period of 90 days effective 17 January -17 April 2017 till further notice.”