How Was Africa Liberation Day Commemorated In The Gambia?



There was no statement from the highest office and no Pan African movement to remind the Nation that 25 May is a day established by the OAU/AU as Africa Liberation Day. An organisation called MBOKA held a zoom conference on the subject 120 years of Pan Africanism. The key takeaways that the keynote speaker , Halifa Sallah , asked the participants to register is that Pan Africanists have placed three tasks on historical agenda:

the task of attaining the right to self- determination and Independence , the task of building an Africa ruled by the consent of Africans, and Africa where government exists for the people and the people not for government and the task of putting the ownership of the wealth of Africa and the means of production in the hand of the people. Simply put in the next decade power must be derived from the consent of the African people and exercised only to promote their liberty, dignity and prosperity. These are the three phases of the Pan African struggle that started more than 120 years ago, but took shape in 1919 during the first Pan African Congress as conveyed by the deliverer of the Keynote address.