Health Minister attends 72nd World Health Assembly


An official Gambian delegation headed by Hon. Dr. Ahmadou Samateh, Minister of Health, has left Banjul on Saturday, 18th May, 2019,  for the 72nd World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva, Switzerland.

The delegation comprised Dr.  Samba Ceesay,  Ag. Director of Health Services,  Mr.  Gibril Jarjue, Director of Planning and Information, Ministry of Health, Mr..  Lamin Marong,  Director of Nursing and Midwifery, Mr. Musa Jallow,  Programme Manager,  National Leprosy and TB Control Programme and Hon. Ousman Sillah, Chairperson of the National Assembly Select Committee on Health. 

Two officials, who are also part of the delegation, namely Mr.  Dawda Ceesay,  Permanent Secretary 2 (MoH), and Mr.  Babanding Sabally, Director of National Pharmaceutical Services, had left for Switzerland a day earlier.

Among the key topics to be addressed are Global action plan for healthier lives and well-being for all, Emerging technologies, Legislation, Advocacy, Accountability and Budget Allocation, Universal Health Coverage, Mental Health, Promoting local production of medicines,  and other health technologies, etc.

The delegation is expected back to Banjul on 29 May, 2019.