Gambian-Lebanese: “Armed Robbers Pointed a Gun at My Face”


By Mustapha Jallow

Walid Bourgi, a Gambian-Lebanese cum proprietor of Bourgi Company on Monday told Foroyaa that armed robbers on Saturday pointed a gun at his face before forcing him to subdue inside his house.

Explaining how the assailants got into his house, the Old Jeshwang resident said the armed men forced their way into the burglar-proof after breaking it. 

He explained, “I was inside the toilet. So, my daughter came next to the door and asked if I was hearing noise. I asked her if she knew where it was coming from, but she said no.”

He went further to explain: “She told me she was going to check what was happening, but suddenly I heard her screamed, and I heard a gunshot.”

He went on to say that a gun was pointed at his head immediately he opened the door of the toilet to check what was happening to his daughter. 

He said: “I locked the door immediately and called my son on his phone, but he did not answer. So I pretended that I was talking to him, and asking him to come home because we have thieves in the house. This was to scare them (thieves). The call to my son was not successful, because he never answered.”

He said: “The attackers were about 7 people. Some stayed with us and some went downstairs. Some of them waiting in the car they boarded when they were coming to attack us.”

The assailants broke the door of the toilet and pulled me out, he added. 

“I had a push and pull with them until they hit me on the left side of my eye,” he said. 

Bruises were seen on the face of Bourgi. He said the men took away 5 of their expensive iPhones and other valuables.

He said his daughter was beaten and until she sustained bruises on her right eye.  He said they were beaten mercilessly by the armed men. 

He added: “They used selotape to tight our hands, mouths and heads.”

The Gambian-Lebanese has called on Gambians to support the security forces in the battle against criminality. 

“Money is ‘nothing’, but our security matters a lot. The security of our kids and our future is more important than anything,” he said. 

“I am more concerned with our security than with money. Many people have faced similar attacks.”

Asked how much was looted by the armed robbers, he responded: “I don’t want to talk about the money they took away. What I am more interested in is on our security, especially that of our children. We should join hands to fight these criminals”

Bourgi said the matter was reported to Old Jeshwang Police station and detectives were investigating the matter. 

The CCTV cameras installed in the building were destroyed by the armed robbers. He added that everything was turned off and the decoder was taken away by the men. 

“They removed the whole recoding system for the CCTV footages. They also cut the wires and removed everything,” the business-man narrated.

The Police spokesman was contacted for comment and he promised to find out from the Police command and get back to us.