Father Solicits Support To Feed His Family


By Makutu Manneh

Abdoulie Gaye, a father of five children, solicits support to feed his family as his business faces setback due to the recent downpour that destroyed all his food items.

“Seeing the faces of my children right now, one will know they are not eating. I am left with nothing to feed my family,” he said.

Gaye said it is from his tailoring business that he provides for his family, but said he has not been getting customers recently.

Gaye said it is during festivals such as “Tobaski” and “Koriteh”, that he gets enough money from his job to plan for his family’s provision. He said tailoring is the only skill he is blessed with and a single sewing machine that he has in use, but works at home. He however adds that he was unable to acquire enough money from this year’s festivals.

Speaking gloomily about his future, Gaye said he has no other option than to ask for help from philanthropists. He said the recent downpour caused major losses for his family from which they are trying to recover.

“My wife was a business person. Now she has stopped because she cannot continue without support. I will appreciate any support given to me. My family is really suffering. We are left with nothing, no food to eat,” Gaye said with emotion.

Anyone who wants to assist Abdoulie Gaye can reach him on 7793654 or can contact Foroyaa.