Deforestation In Kerr Ngorr Forest

Decades Old Mahogany Tree Destroyed In Minutes By Chain Saw

Dear Editor,

Thank you for granting me space to share with your readership, the illegal activities that is going on within the forest close to our village. I want to share this piece of information on your widely read newspaper for everyone to know what is happening at our forest which serves as a vital natural resource that Kerr Ngorr and environ are solely dependent on, and for the authorities to take the necessary action before it is too late. Kerr Ngorr forest has tress as old or even older, than the village and everyone knows that trees are very important in human life. But the way and manner they are continuously exploited illegally in the forest of Kerr Ngorr, will result to negative environmental impacts that will rapidly deplete our only natural resource and contribute to the desertification of our region sooner rather than later.

It is true that we cannot live without using forest products like timber for construction but this in my humble opinion, should be strictly controlled by the concerned authorities. To protect and preserve the environment for future generations, is incumbent on our generation, because the forest products we enjoy today, was a legacy from our forebears. This is of paramount importance. Therefore we are duty bound to strive and protect our environment, no matter what it takes, for the future benefit of our children and children’s children.

It is with this concern for the future of generations to come, that I am putting pen to paper to highlight the indiscriminate and rampant falling of trees in Kerr Ngorr village of the Jokadu District of the NBR, which is beyond control. This activity has been going on for years now without interference from the concerned authorities and has escalated even more in now. The indiscriminate exploitation of the forest of Kerr Ngorr is done by commercial operators who collaborate with unscrupulous villagers, to pillage the natural resources of the forest. Century old Mahogany trees have been brought to the ground in minutes, without replacement.

As a concern citizen, I want the Ministry and Department in charge of our forest cover to know that the present commercial timber operators and dealers pillaging the forest in the name of the village of Kerr Ngorr, is high and my question is: Is this legal? And I want the National Environment Agency (NEA), to take note.

Thanks for space.

Momodou Conateh

Immigration Officer