The Epicenter of Transmission are the Known Cases

We have opportunity to monitor at close range an area where a person who tested positive lived and was eventually evacuated for protective observation, testing and treatment.

The Health Authorities have to develop a strategy to prevent the spreading of the virus.

The first strategy is to hold each person who is tested positive as the epicentre for the transmission of the virus.

Hence the surrounding of the compound where cases are found must be sealed. All pathways to the compound must be blocked.

Health personnel must visit each of the surrounding compounds with thermometers to screen their residents and educate them to report anyone who has the symptoms meriting further tests. Children, especially, should be closely observed and encouraged to maintain safe spacing.

A temporary health post should be established near the epicenter and full medical care given to the residents in the area including routine screening for symptoms on a daily basis with provision of needs for two weeks to a month to encourage little movement away from the community until it is decaled a safe area .

We will interview the health authorities to find out how they are handling the epicenters of the PANDEMIC.