Foroyaa has confirmed the oil spill polluting the vicinity of Gam Petroleum in Mandinari. Foroyaa journalists have photographs of the pollution that has taken place in the vicinity. A desperate attempt to clean up is not sufficient enough to address the problem. The mangrove swamps in the area are being polluted and marine life is under threat. Oysters, crabs and other crustaceans breeding in the area could face existential threat.

No press release from the national environment agency has been received officially by Foroyaa. The Ministry of Petroleum is also not heard on the matter.

The Ministry of Fisheries is also concerned because fisheries depend on the laying of eggs in such environment to increase our fish stock. The incident needs transparency and those responsible for the spill should be known and the cost of cleansing the environment should be borne by those responsible for the spill.

It is therefore important that impunity is not entertained by honouring the incident with silence. Foroyaa has given the authorities enough evidence and time to conduct investigation and come up with full disclosure of what happened. We will now proceed to contact Gam Petroleum, the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy, the Ministry of Fisheries, Water Resources and National Assembly Matters and National Environment Agency and the Public Utility Regulatory Authority to get full disclosure of what happened.

Silence is not an option and continuous silence would be deemed as cover up which is inimical to good governance. Good governance requires transparency and accountability in all matters of public concern and public interest.