Comfort Quality Services Institute Electrical Vehicle Management System


By Nelson Manneh

Ousman Njie, Operations Manager of Comfort Quality Services
Comfort Quality Services Company has established a sophisticated Electrical Vehicle Management System (EVMS) aside from designing and selling new Aluminium Number Plates.

According to the Operations Manager of Comfort Quality Services Ousman Njie, the EVMS is in line with number plate production and is designed to capture essential bank details required to initiate transaction between a vehicle owner and the Company. Njie said EVMS is designed to capture essential details of both vehicle and owner; that it has a multi-layer data input database search capabilities and can log on to all activities within the software operating environment and manage essential business accounting processes amongst others; that part of their obligation in the contract is to supply the Gambia Police Force (GPF) with 100 scanners for traffic officers’ use at routine traffic checkpoints.

“Our Quick Response (QR) System will ensure that every vehicle that is roadworthy in the country has a QR sticker on their windscreens if it is a motor vehicle, or on their number plates if it is a motorcycle. This will be loaded with the vehicle and owner’s information when scanned and will reveal the information of the vehicle instantly on a hand held mobile device given to traffic officers,” he said.

New QR Code Vehicle Sticker
The Operations Manager said the QR System will ensure routine traffic checks by Police in their efforts to tackle vehicle theft and other vehicle-related crimes and incidents and will also ensure that number plates are non-transferable from one vehicle to the other.

“With our joint efforts with the GPF, we aim to ensure safer roads and eradicate reckless driving incidents by perpetrators with the EVMS, for accurate owner identification and vehicle details,” he said.

Njie said the registration process of the new number plates starts with the payment of D1,100 for vehicles and D630 for motorcycles at any Trust Bank Branch across the country; that the receipt from the bank along with correct documentation is then presented at any of their offices in Banjul, Kairaba Avenue, Brikama, Basse and Farafeni, for registration and number plate printing.

“We have secured our Aluminium Number Plates of the highest quality from our supplier. They are durable with 75% visibility in the dark and the number plates also come with a secured future which only the traffic Police are aware of,” he said. He said Comfort Quality Services has fulfilled every obligation on their contract to produce high-quality Aluminium Number Plates and the provision of 100 QR scanners and QR stickers that are currently under production.