Charity for Lt Col Lamin Sanneh deferred


Col. Lamin Sannehhave intimated that the traditional religious charity scheduled for Monday January 5 at his home village of Kalagie has been deferred. According to sources, the deferment is due to the fact that they are yet to hear from the authorities that he was killed. The community would neither confirm nor denied the death of Lieutenant Colonel Lamin Sanneh, the former Commanding Officer of State guard, a native of Kalagi, Foni Jarrol district, West Coast Region. A family source said the family could not arrange for any charity for him because of uncertainty of the story. Meanwhile, a source in Kalagi added that they have confirmed the arrest of Metta Njie, the mother of Lt Col Lamin Sanneh and was yet to be released by the time this information was gathered on Monday evening. Foroyaa was earlier informed by a relative of Lt Col. Lamin Sanneh in Fajikunda about the arrest of the latter’s mother (Metta Njie) who had been picked up from her residence in Fajikunda by at least four  security operatives from the National Intelligence Agency (NIA) on Thursday, 1st January, 2015 and whisked away in a vehicle to an unknown destination.]]>