Bundung Alkalo Denies CSO Coalition’s Findings on Issuance of Attestation


By Nelson Manneh

The Alkalo of Bundung Momodou Bo Konateh, has denied the findings of the CSO Coalition regarding his alleged involvement in asking people who apply for attestations monies, to be paid to him. The Alkalo who spoke to this reporter on Saturday 12th June 2021, said he has never asked for money from anybody in order to get attestation for registration. 

In their preliminary report issued a few days ago, the CSO Coalition indicated that “some Alkalolu have been charging fees for signing attestation forms from applicants which includes Alkalo of Bundung.’’ In the same preliminary report, the CSO Coalition said they received information that some Alkalolu were issuing attestations to individuals who were not born within their jurisdiction.   

Momodou Bo Konateh who is now aged 92, said everybody who has acquired an attestation for any national document know how they got them from him. 

“I always make sure that there is transparency in what I do. I am content with what I have and at my age, I do not think I can get what I have not acquired during my youthful age,” he said. 

Alkalo Konateh said he has a logbook where he records the names of all who go to him in need of attestation; that he keeps a record of all attestations issued by him to ensure transparency and accountability, in what he does. 

“The accusation leveled against me by the CSO Coalition is very painful for me at my age because I do not envision requesting for money from the assistance I give to my people,” he said. 

The Bundung Alkalo asserted that he has his records with him and will be willing to present them to anyone anywhere, whenever the need arises.  

For the information of the reader, the CSOs Coalition on Elections is spearheaded and coordinated by WANEP-Gambia and is a homegrown national platform established in 2006, to facilitate and enhance civil society participation in elections and electioneering, democracy and good governance.