BENEVOLENT LIBYAN OFFERS TO BRING 46 GAMBIANS BACK HOME Publication of ordeals of Gambians in Libya bears fruit


Foroyaa has been informed that its publication of the plight of Gambians in Libya who want to come back home has not been inDr Ibrahim Abushariah (right) with stranded Gambians vain. We have been reliably informed that long before the publication, a former Libyan Ambassador, who still considers himself a friend of the Gambia, Dr Ibrahim Abushariah, had gone about the detention centres in Libya and has facilitated the release 46 Gambians. He has taken them to a school where they are being looked after in preparation for repatriation to the Gambia, free of charge, once the Government gives him the go ahead. Foroyaa is informed that those who are to be repatriated would also be given bags and pocket money to come back home.Gambians stranded in Libya

Foroyaa will contact the ministry of foreign affairs to find out whether they are aware of the offer. If not, those making it should do so through official channels. Those whose children are still in detention centres should have an interview with Foroyaa. Maybe, they could be fortunate to be assisted by benevolent persons like the former Ambassador.

Foroyaa will also contact the Libyan Embassy to find out whether they have any plans to repatriate Gambians who are stranded in Libya.