The media is an instrument for the amplification of the voices of the people, either speaking as individuals or as representatives of selective groups such as political parties, trade unions, student unions, women organisations and other civil society organisations.

Democracy gives a special role to the media as its foundation. Democracy is about choice. Without information there can be no thought on different political groups or personalities. There can be no informed choice.

If the media is to perform its role, it should help to disseminate the views of different political organisations and personalities as they are presented without any distortion.

If the media has opinions it could express it as an editorial or editor’s note to enable the people to distinguish facts from opinions. This is what is called fair reporting. As we commence a new electoral cycle, the media at home and in the Diaspora could best serve the country by providing each party and political personality the opportunity to be heard. This should then be followed by opinions.

In this way the Gambian people will not have to go through many distortions before knowing the true facts. If democracy is to survive the media must not lose its integrity by spreading information that people end up discovering to be false.

The media must publish the truth in good faith in the public interest in order to have integrity and credibility.