NCCE Sensitizes Communities on Supplementary Voter Registration


By KebbaJeffang

Acting on its constitutional mandate, the National Council for Civic Education (NCCE) is currently engaging the rural NCCE Sensitizes Communities on Supplementary Voter Registrationcommunities on the importance of taking the supplementary voter registration seriously as the country’s election cycle is fast approaching starting with the Presidential election on the 1st December, 2016.

Mr.Yusupha Bojang, NCCE Programme Officer, said that such a campaign is meant to sensitise the citizens of the Gambia, particularly those who do not have a voter’s card but would be eligible to vote come December election. He said his office is collaborating with the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) based on a Memorandum of Understanding and which is part of the preparation for the upcoming electoral cycle.

Mr. Bojang said “the first phase of the campaign was held in thirty (30) registration centers covering 172 communities in URR- north &south and CRR- south while the second phase is targeting over 150 communities in CRR-north and North Bank Region (NBR). The communities that were covered include Darsilameh-Mandinka in Sandu, Wellingara Elo in Niamina Dankunku, KarantabaTandi- Mandinka in Sami, Chamen in Lower Nuimi, for the first and second phase respectively.”

He noted that the issues they are discussing with the communities include citizens’ political rights and duties; the importance of getting a voter’s card and participating in the country’s electoral process; what is a supplementary voter registration; who should register (qualification);why and how to register; when to register (date and time) as well as the do’s and don’ts of the registration process.