Where is Lt Ebou Lowe?


Mamour M Mbenga Family members are lamenting the disappearance of Lieutenant Ebou Lowe, a former member of the Lieutenant Ebou LoweGambia Armed Forces, since 2006. They say that on the 24 July 2015, when pardoned prisoners were being released by the State, they went to Mile Two Prisons to find out whether he was among those released but he was not seen and when they enquired from prison officials they were told that he was not there.According to a family member, Lt Ebou Lowe was part of over 30 people that were arrested for taking part in the foiled coup plot that was said to have been uncovered on Tuesday 21 March, 2006, when the Head of State was on a working visit to Mauritania. The head of the alleged coup plotters was the former head of the armed forces Colonel Ndure Cham. The source added that Lt Ebou Lowe was arrested on Sunday 26 March, 2006 and detained in Mile Two Central Prison alongside other alleged coup plotters in 2006, and that when his uncle wanted to see him he was denied access. The source further stated that since then they have never seen him; that the only time they heard about him was when a press release was issued on Tuesday 4th April, 2006, by the office of the Inspector General of Police, that five coup suspects, all security personnel, escaped while they were being transferred to Janjangbureh Prison in Central River Region. The source indicated that family members became confused and worried when they read a story in Foroyaa indicating the response of the then Police PRO to questions by a Foroyaa reporter. The PRO responded that he did not know where the accident had happened and the fate of the escorts. The reporter further contacted the then Armed Forces PRO who said he did not know where the said accident happened and added that the escorts had the opportunity to shoot at them when they tried to escape. However the PRO said he did not know why the escorts missed that opportunity. The traumatized family member said they have never received a message or phone call from him nor have they heard of his death. They said they would very much like to know the fate of their loved one.]]>