Introducing Nyancho


Introduce yourself to our readers? My name is Dodou Manneh, alias Nyancho, and a native of Bakau Newtown.  I am a young upcoming artist in the Gambia.  When did you start your musical career? I started my music career around 2009. Who inspired you? I listened to Jalex and  Fafadi a lot but it was actually my mum who encouraged me in the music. She always advices me to promote the culture through music and that is why all my songs are in Mandinka language and my stage performances are mostly traditional. You can see that the way I perform and dress on stage always represent my culture.  What genre of music do you do? Afro Manding. It’s the kind of music Jalex, Badibunka, Balla Ranks and the likes are doing.  Have you released any singles? I have recorded eight (8) singles so far and there are others in the pipeline. Which studio do you work with? I do my recordings with Shy Boy Entertainment and Wayne B Records. I usually record my songs in these two studios.   What projects are you working on? I want to launch an album next January and at the moment I’m working on more songs and videos. I am also teaching many people about my dancing skills, so I don’t have time. If I can help anybody in any way, I do it.  What challenges are you facing? Well, the challenges I’m facing are numerous and if I have to name them I will spend all day long here with you. But the major one is the financial aspect. Of course, I have bookings and shows but most of the shows are not well paid for and some I even perform for free. I did lot of charitable concerts for people and I do not ask for a butut. Do you get support financially? Well, as we all know, to get financial support here in the Gambia is not easy. Many people do support us in other ways but not finance. Anyway, President Jammeh gave me two hundred and thousand dalasi and I thank him for that.   In your latest single ‘’Haramo’’, you are talking about your fellow artists. Can you tell us what the lyrics are? The song is talking about people who take advantage of public funds and siphon them for their own personal interest. It is not right for any one to take what does not belong to you alone. I was calling to my fellow artists to come together and support one another rather than engaging in rivalry. I want all the artists to come together and unite around our common objectives. This basically what I was talking about in the last two songs I recorded. If you would make one wish in your life, what will that be? (Laughs ) My wishes are many and you want me to make only one. Ok, to be the first Gambian artist who will go on a tour around the world and raise our flag high in the music world. I want to leave a legacy in the Gambia. Another wish is to build a mosque.   Do you have a fan base that you are working with? Yes, I have lots of them all over the country and the main one is in Bakau, which is called “”Nyancho Kunda.””    Do you have any final words? Just as I told you earlier, I’m going to do big things in the industry. I will make sure my music goes global. I want to use this opportunity to thank all the fans who have been so loyal to me and a big one to Nyancho kunda, without whom I would not have been where I am today. Respect once again to my mum for she is my number one fan. And a big thanks once again to the president for the financial support he gave me. How could you be contacted if people need your services? + (220) 3830889/2039810 (Interview courtesy of Kaddy Cham)  ]]>