QUOTATION OF THE WEEK “If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced,” –Vincent Van Gogh BACK WAY Youth patrolling along the rough journey Life-risk journey Nerve upsetting journey Rich or die journey All youths embarking on the rough phase to success Thought lingering in their minds is ‘Back way is the fastest route to success’ Peer influence being a strong factor A reason among the whole lots of reasons Every being want to be rich And every Tom, Dick and Harry thinks Going abroad is the sole solution to be rich Despite the death row cases Operation no back up is well alive in the minds of the masses And this frighten nobody willing to go on trekking the bushes And mountains till the last breath Communities lacking youths Farms lacking youths Work places lacking working and energetic youths All due to this fatal journey A death or alive journey. By Lamin Sanneh, HTC, Gambia College A SMILING FACE Life maybe stressful But smiling is beautiful As you’re rewarded by the Merciful So be cheerful Let your tears be useful Life is a journey You maybe blessed with money But it can’t buy you a honey As others need no penny But just a smile, if any You may be poor and needy But that should not make you greedy Embrace your fate and get ready To smile and don’t be moody You may not be treated fairly But keep smiling daily As this will help you dearly Frowning is so deadly Sorrow is worldly Don’t be overcome by grief so badly Be grateful and friendly You may not attain your dreams today But remember you were blessed yesterday Smile and hope for a better day As after rain, comes the sunny day And tomorrow could be a holiday By Marabi S Hydara, Islamic Online University. THE FERTILITY OF MY HEART I felt it grow deep down Like trees of happiness were grown on its wall I thought my heart would not grow to love again People were like pests Pins of pain were punched on my heart I lost the courage to trust Each hour seemed like decades I cuddled myself to sleep Bad dreams I had I got drenched in sweat The memories were fresh The fertility of my heart I can’t believe I really defeated depression My heart flies like the butterfly My smile beautiful like its wings My life lands on a smooth path I now know that not every smile is friendly Not every memory is worth hanging on forever My heart is fertile It can now embrace emotions to grow on it My mind says to me “forget your foes” I dream higher and wider My diamond which I found in dirt I will let you shine for me My pieces of gold I cherish you all My heart is no more hazardous It was filled with hate and anguish But I wish the past does not tumble back Live life with perfect hearts And the best heart to be your hero or heroine And the alter, awaits you The fertility of my heart Won’t be poisoned by foes By Maimuna Joof, Gambia Tourism and Hospitality Institution. SATIRE In your eyes, the deviant is on the right path You could have listened to a word Before you spread words Words about one word And that’s the truth You say the truth is deviation How about listen to the truth If you really believe in him He knows more about himself Than the closeness your heart knows with him The wrong is the yardstick The bears, emotions and shouts Those are just a mirror Between you and the truth But it appears showing you your being Which is not what you ought to seek Ponder on the image, ask the truth He will tell you about breaking the mirror You will then see beyond After you find and drink the sacred from the goblet Untill then, Don’t stop, refresh! Have good faith in each one Because greatness don’t speak It’s a vibe that feels and it’s drawn with humility The low images in your eyes They are not thugs as you judge They have seen light And not the words you spread The truth knows them He dwells in them and have the same nerves By Abdou Jallow, Wellingara.]]>